Saturday, February 20, 2010

Educational software 2 is another Educational software website that is arrayed with various, interesting educational tools that will assist in helping children in their particular subjects. DreamBox Learning K-2 Math, I have found to be very significant and effective for teaching. It is a web-based, interactive math education program, for young students. This drill and practice program covers from kindergarten through second grade math curriculum. One amazing aspect of this software is that wrong answers generate more practice on a given topic; whereas, correct answers allow the user to jump ahead. DreamBox Learning K-2 Math is designed to help children in counting, ordering, arraying numbers on a number line, then moves on to addition and subtraction which is geared toward preparation for mental math. In observation, it can be seen that another excellent feature of this desired software is the individual progress tracking and reporting which can be accessed through emails for parents and teachers.
Proven as an engaging, educational model for young minds, DreamBox Learning K-2 Math, is simple to set-up and use. It is an impressive example of the potential for computer-based instruction. This adaptive learning engine in K-2 Math demonstrates how a program can adapt to the needs of the learner, and present appropriate material until the subject is understood properly. I believe K-2 Math would be appropriate for extra practice at home or school, oor as the basis for a homeschooling class.

check out these links: can join this group and interact with others who use this wonderful program. is placed there to help with gaining ideas of how to teach children to love, appreciate and understand Maths.

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